Offers as hot as Yazd
Special offers
Special offers for a more enjoyable travel experience, from tours and visiting of historical sites to cheaper accommodation in one of the best hotels in Yazd.
Images from your memoriesBrowse your dreams
Photos capture our beloved moments, they let us open a treasure box and browse through our memories, one by one. There are images filled with spirit of life, blazing our identity. Dad Hotel chest, is the best place to dream and review your memories. Here is Dad’s treasure.
Virtual Tour
Imagine your residenceExperience Dad Hotel before your stay
Before choosing Dad Hotel and your residence, you can virtual visit the whole collection and imagine your stay. Our suggestion is to start from the central yard, enter the corridors and see the rooms closely. Do not forget the rooftop.
Special offers
Offers as Hot as YazdTourism and affordable accommodation
The journey itself is full of fresh and hearty experiences. And it’s going to be even better with our tempting offers. Dad hotel will give you special offers which undoubtably save you from trouble and will double the journey’s pleasure.
Historical celebrationsDon’t forget the special dates
Persian and Yazdiculture and history are filled with celebrations and magnificent traditions, which together makes it more enjoyable. You can visit the events at on various occasions and exhibitions that are presented with interesting topics at the hotel.